My Story

Hi, I’m Clare, the owner and founder of Luna’s Crystal Connection. I spent many years working in luxury property management and learned sales, marketing & general business operations. I also learned that corporate 9-5 life wasn’t for me. My eyes were opened to this after taking a 200 hour yoga teacher training. Not only was I starting to see possibilities of working outside the corporate structure, this is also where I began my spiritual journey. Being a yoga teacher brought me great joy & fulfillment but something still wasn’t quite right so I started to explore other career avenues. Then the pandemic hit and I couldn’t teach yoga in person anymore. Eventually I landed on the idea of opening a virtual crystal business. Since I was a kid I always wanted to open a shop, boutique or something similar but back then, with dial up internet, always thought it would be brick and mortar. I had no inclination that it would become so successful and eventually my sole job and income in less than a year. It has become such an overwhelming joy to intuitively choose my inventory and then via Instagram live sales & story sales, pass these beautiful gifts from the earth onto my clients. Each of my clients becomes a personal connection to me, simply because I can’t imagine it any other way.

I live in Sedona, Arizona. I moved from Michigan to Arizona in 2022. In my free time I love to hike, attend live concerts, try new foods, & travel. I am Reiki I & II certified, crystal healer certified and I also read tarot & oracle cards.